Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pilot Entry

So I've decided to utilize this blog as a creative outlet for random ramblings in insanely viscous imagery and descriptives (and plenty of run on sentences, because I love those way too much), however, I would like to analyze the (possible) meanings of certain songs in here. For far too long have I been blindly listening to music like a chimp with earphones and "liking" it because of its "catchiness" (I am not negating the importance of this to a song however, because it is pretty essential). I feel that I have never actually "listened" to the songs. I wanted to take the initiative to pick, prod, and pry the songs apart to their pulps and find a greater insight. I was introduced to an indie band called the "Silversun Pickups" by a boy named Nick after I was hearing the song "Little Lover's so Polite" off of his iTunes one night. I will interpret some of that song on here with an underlying summary of the meaning (sort of like a synopsis) and random annotations here and there underneath the lines in parentheses.

"Little Lover's So Polite"

so much for the light show
(alluding to a grand finale, such as fireworks, but in a sarcastic tone. One was sordidly disappointed. )

pissing on while pissing off
(oxymoronic to indicate some sort of uncertainty, like testing out the waters, or bitching about something)

sucking in a smokescreen
(A la Wikipedia, by definition, smoke screen-smoke screen is a release of smoke in order to mask the movement or location of military units such as infantry, tanks, aircraft or ships.
Possibly refers to the start of getting to know someone, where they are at their most vulnerable and genuine states. I actually think this can refer to a drug reference. I think that it could also mean one person found out about the illegal actions that the other did as smokescreens were used to hide infantry from enemy sight)

selling of a loose knit dream
(This can be from the other person's perspective, as the other one may have had a naive outlook on what the relationship was going to be like, but was instead disilllusioned due to the other person's habits)

folding up the skyline
(Skyline possibly refers to a future and this refers back to the smokescreen reference. The smoke is gone, thus the skyline should be clear to see, however, the skyline is not even there anymore. It was a hopeless cause.)

agreeing on a steep decline
(Both understand that the relationship was a catastrophe, but are too passive to do anything about it)

cant control this airplane
(reverts back to the smokescreen, skyline, and decline reference...the "airplane" being the relationship)

being caught is just the same
("Caught" could refer to being caught by the cops due to the illegal drug use)

headed for a lowlife
(One person in the relationship is involved in illegal actions (drugs?) and..see a visual of what happens to people after they use meth for years)

little lover's so polite
(One (1) person knows that the other person (2) may be doing wrong things, but (1) may feel the need to be dependent on (2) and does not try to say anything or do anything to change (2's) actions for the sake of keeping the relationship together as a safety.)

waking up the core needs
(Told from (2's) perspective, maybe this refers to the brain area of forming addictions and habit, such as Insula I think it is called...It is a need to take the drug again, as they crave it.)

with smelling salts and faulty means
("Smelling salts" could be cocaine and "faulty means" could be just an error in true intentions..coming from (1)'s viewpoint, I'm thinking that she is guessing he doesn't really know what he's doing, and she's forgiving him)

did the bones collide
(I thought about this for a while as this is a key line in the song as it is repeated throughout...at first, I thought it referred to sex. However, now I think about it, I think it means that the two were both empty in morals (2) and maturity (1). (2) was a drug abuser, possibly a dealer, and he/she dug his/her own trap, and the relationship was down in the dumps due to that. (1), I imagine, is a naive, young girl/boy who does not want to say a word to change (2) to prevent confrontation and to live out his/her own dream of having the ideal relationship he/she longed for.)

who let the bones collide
(Almost told with incredulity)
why did the bones collide
(It's most unfortunate that these two ended up together, as they cannot go anywhere from here)

(nikki: it's always the same way for me ending in the same way.)
(Here, we are introduced to a female bandmember, so I am thinking that this is told from (1)'s perspective. Thus, I can infer that (1) is a girl. Nikki sings this in a sort of hushed, drawn out, and melancholic voice. The girl has always been with a "bad boy" and with each relationship, she did not want to say anything to keep each other apart)

so much for the showdown
(A "showdown" led me to thinking about a fight that happened between the two)

keeping up while keeping off
(Maybe a hiatus of communication between them)

choking on the cold feet
(From the girl's perspective, she is uneasy about staying)

rolling up the plastic sleeves
(This could mean either "plastic sleeves" to stash cocaine or as in sleeves on a shirt. If it was the latter, then I would assume that this furthur implies the possible young girl is an innocent presence, and does not want to get involved in (2)'s "dirty" work.)

can't control the slow ride
(This is sort of ironic as one usually assume that a fast ride is something that you can't control. This could be the effects of the drug taking place on (2)'s part.)

little lover's so polite
turning off the low light
(Interestingly enough, I got the definition of this off of Merriam-Webster.com. Low light- a particularly bad or unpleasant event, detail, or part. All this time, I was thinking it was off of a car..but I got that confused with low beams...shows how long I haven't driven in a while =X. Anyway, this is told from (1)'s perspective as she wants to live in denial, and as a defense mechanism to keep the relationship together, wants to banish the thoughts of her lover's illegal actions from her mind. )

tell me did the bones collide
the bones collide
the bones collide
(refer to above prechorus annotations)

little lover's so polite
so polite
so polite
turning off the low light
(nikki: it�s always the same way for me
blue turns soft with time
broke remains, an everyday disguise
ending in the same way. . .the same way)
(It is sorrowful, but there is no way out, as either she is fearful or she wants to hold on because she feels she needs a significant other...possibly like a father figure. She could have had some history of abuse or maybe her father ran off on her family at a young age. These are typical behaviors exhibited by people who have experienced this. We will never know that and it is not necessary in this discussion.)

tell me did the bones collide
the bones collide
the bones collide
little lover's so polite
so polite
so polite

Final interpretation
The song is beautifully crafted and tells a story in a chronological fashion. However, the listeners are left without any closure and for people who are disappointed about songs that don't have "happy" endings, this song is certaintly not for you. The overarching theme to this song is the emptiness that two lovers find in each other. The relationship includes no substance as each person is bare in their own way. (2), the drug abuser, is dependent on an addiction that has changed who he is. This is relfected in the rocky relationship that he pursues, or clings onto, with (1). For (2), he is the drug. In a way, you are what you eat. If we were to draw a tangent off of that, he has become the drug, and the "person" that was there before is nonexistent.

(1), the naive young girl, is dependent on (2), and in a way, he has become her own drug. She may have endured some tribulations in the past, but she always ends up with a bad boy. She laments the fact that it always ends up in the same fashion, but she doesn't do anything about it. She is just a passive soul, who has no initiative or maybe even courage to speak out against (2) or anyone in her past for that matter.

They are both lifeless entities in a figurative sense and their relationship has absolutely no substance built within. This is furthur reinforced by the line, "...bones collide." They are just a pile of bones, they are essentially both dead inside. However, blindly, but probably fueled by emotion and little logic, they stay together for the sake of having one another with little to no reason for it.

All in all, in the (slightly modified) words of Ebert and Roeper, I give this song 5 thumbs up! =D
Check the song out on imeem.com or their myspace at www.myspace.com/silversunpickups

Stay tuned for more interpretations coming soon! Recommendations of songs are always accepted too.


  1. Hey. It's hard to tell whether your analysis of the Silversun Pickups (I've heard of them, but only vaguely - are they another "beautiful people" band like the godawful Honorary Title?) is serious or whether you are making fun of people who do such. But I must admit I really like how you are using your blog not as an outlet to examine music - or even the intersection of music and culture - but the intersection of music and culture as it relates to how you are changing as a person through time. Ever since I started college, that's been my big question on music: why the hell do I listen to what I listen to? What percent of it is to "fit in", what percent of it is to convince myself I'm not a lifeless person, and what percent of it has to do with finding and enjoying good stuff? A lot of contemporary indie has been very disillusioning; I've been going back to the '90s a lot for new music.

  2. Well, for the record, the Silversun Pickups have not been featured in a break up scene of "One Tree Hill". No I tried to make my interpretation as serious as I could, I figured that doing this was like a puzzle (maybe even like a reading log, except with more effort placed in). I've turned it into sort of a hobby, but never had the motivation to put it down in words.

    These days I honestly haven't been listening to much music, but I think it was because my iPod was lost for a while. So I just listen to some things that people introduce to me. If you have any band/song recommendations feel free to throw them this way! Hope all is well with you Aaron =D

  3. http://profile.typekey.com/username

  4. going to try that again....

    couple of my interpretations(/counterattack!)

    -selling of a loose knit dream
    they are losing the dream of them being together, which was poorly thought out

    -little lover's so polite
    lover is too nice to end the relationship

    -so much for the showdown
    this could also be a fight that should have happened but didn't, or didn't go the way it should have

    -blue turns soft with time
    -broke remains, an everyday disguise
    sadness goes away eventually, but he/she feels broken and only pretends to be whole
